If anyone plans to follow this blog regularly, I have to warn that I will be including a lot of pictures of Josie right now. She is in that adorable stage of life where everything is an adventure and something to be explored or pulled out or destroyed. Her current favorite pass time is shoving items into small spaces, (usually where they don't belong) Example: If you are looking for a DVD at our house don't look in the logical place, check under the chair or couch. Josie has slipped 98% of our small collection under the furniture like her own personal mailbox. She also likes to stick items through the cracks under doors. I will often open a closet and find a small collection of odds and ends on the bottom. The drawer under the stove is another favorite location. Her 2nd favorite thing to do is "play on the computer" We joke that she is starting her own blog at this young age. She will even come up to you if you are on the computer and force herself up onto the chair and literally push you off so she can have her turn. She is also turning into a ham. She will give you this cheesy, wrinkle the nose smile when ever the camera is pulled out.

This picture was taken just after our ward Lua. Not your traditional lua. We were an hour late, Conor got stung by a bee 4 minutes into our arrival and it was sprinkling, windy and down right cold. You would think Conor could handle a little bee sting considering he get's poked with a needle several times a day, but he was hysterical! This was one lua we wish we hadn't attended. On the bright side, Josie loved the lei. She still puts it on and actually keeps it on as she ransacks the house. How can you be mad at a face like that?