Baby Lincoln has arrived! We are so excited to welcome him to our family. He was born at 8:16 am. Sept. 27, 2010. He weighed 7lbs 15 oz and was 19 inches long. He was born via c-section and he wasn't quite ready to come out, he was laying sideways so they had to really tug and pull and they even got out the vacuum. This resulted in a little bruising on his forehead. He looked a little beat up at first, but being born is hard work. He had managed to get the cord wrapped around his neck and he actually had a full on knot in the cord. Dr. Fine actually pointed it out to everyone in the operating room as being pretty rare, thankfully it was no big deal. Just goes to show that Lincoln was doing acrobats in my belly. When it is all said and done and I have a snuggly, safe healthy baby in my arms, I marvel at the miracle of birth and I am so grateful for modern medicine.
As for me, my 3rd c-section was certainly not a breeze. I pulled the same trick I always do and barf as soon as they give me my spinal and I make eveyone panic because I turn all white and clammy and start to see stars. Somehow I get a hold of myself and we continue. Since Lincoln didn't want to come out I felt like the Dr. was jumping on my belly, not really pleasant, but short lived fortunately. On the bright side the recovery so far has been going well and I have felt pretty decent.

Welcome to the world Lincoln-This was the first time I got to hold him, they kept him in the nursery for quite a while because he was having trouble breathing. They did a chest x-ray and found nothing abnormal, they decided he was lazy from the c-section and hadn't worked his lungs up to breathing oxygen in labor like other babies.

Daddy checking out all the little body parts. So tiny!

Our latest family picture - As parents, we are officially outnumbered.

My little helpers. This is as close as Josie would get to Lincoln. She is not all that excited about his arrival. I hope she will warm up to him once we get him home.

Brothers! Conor is nothing but ecstatic about having a little brother. He is going to be a great help. When he came to visit in the hospital we were calling him a baby hog. We had to talk him into sharing the hold time with Grandma Kellogg.

Grandma Kellogg has been watching the big kids while we have been in the hospital. She is so much help and we are so glad she came.

This is Lincoln's baby snatcher. He got to participate in an Amber alert drill they were having at the hospital. It was rather entertaining. They came in and asked if I would participate and I said sure. I didn't realize that everyone wasn't in on the "drill part" So they came and rolled him away and I was instructed to call the nurses station and tell them some lady came and took Lincoln a while back and I realized she hadn't checked the tags so I was concerned. The poor nurses that weren't in on the "drill" were suddenly hysterical and bouncing in and out of my room checking the bathroom and very close to tears. I started to feel bad. I had security in the room asking me for descriptions of the snatcher and which way she went etc... He was quickly found and returned safely, but it was a good eye opener for everyone including me. I realized I wasn't all that observant and that you can never be too careful.