Weight 15.6 oz (52%)
Length 25 1/4 (54%)
Head 16 1/2 (33%)
Dr. Lee was very happy with how well Lincoln is following the bell curve on his growth and gave him a clean bill of health. He has a monster soft spot still, but nothing to worry about and he took his shots like a pro, one little cry is all. He continues to be my little angel baby. I honestly don't know how I ended up with such a great kid. Still hates to lay on his tummy, but can roll over from tummy to back if he is trying to see the action better. Starting to notice his hands a lot more and is very close to grabbing at things. He loves to knaw on his little hands and has started drooling a ton. No teeth yet. Very generous with his smiles and loves it when you talk to him. He is super tickilish and will bust up laughing if you rub his chest or feet.