I have had some requests to see a few pictures of the ever changing kids. Lincoln changes daily, and since he is the 3rd unfortunately I forget to take pictures of all the little milestones. Poor little guy. His non existent baby book may haunt him some day. These pics will have to do. Kevin had the afternoon off so we splurged and went to lunch together. We got many compliments on our cute Josie and Lincoln (Conor was at school), I guess they were well behaved and extra cute today. I have to write these moments down so I can grasp sanity when they are driving me crazy. I also have to remember that I actually produced them and that once upon a time I was maybe cute instead of old and wrinkled and not so fresh faced. Man to be young again.
Lincoln had surgery on May 24th to repair his hypospadias, For those of us who don't know what that is, it is a birth (congenital) defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside, rather than at the end, of his privates. He had a very mild case, but it needed to be repaired, so repair it we did, or Dr. Starr did. Lincoln of course acted in true rock star angel fashion and hardly even cried. I had pictures, but Kevin made me erase them. He just said that he was so glad that he wasn't Lincoln. Ow, Ow. The night before he went in for surgery Kevin gave him a blessing and we talked to the kids about what was going to happen, and both Josie and Conor were so concerned We told Josie he needed to go to the hospital and she almost got a little teary and asked if we would bring him back. She said she wanted him back. After Lincoln came home and we were taking the wrapping off Conor actually cried because it looked so awful. I said "Well aren't you glad it isn't you? " Conor said. "No, I wish it was me so Lincoln wasn't hurting." Through all the fighting and teasing, anger and silliness, bottom line, they will always love each other, and will always have each other. What an amazing gift I have been given, 3 beautiful children.
Lincoln had surgery on May 24th to repair his hypospadias, For those of us who don't know what that is, it is a birth (congenital) defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside, rather than at the end, of his privates. He had a very mild case, but it needed to be repaired, so repair it we did, or Dr. Starr did. Lincoln of course acted in true rock star angel fashion and hardly even cried. I had pictures, but Kevin made me erase them. He just said that he was so glad that he wasn't Lincoln. Ow, Ow. The night before he went in for surgery Kevin gave him a blessing and we talked to the kids about what was going to happen, and both Josie and Conor were so concerned We told Josie he needed to go to the hospital and she almost got a little teary and asked if we would bring him back. She said she wanted him back. After Lincoln came home and we were taking the wrapping off Conor actually cried because it looked so awful. I said "Well aren't you glad it isn't you? " Conor said. "No, I wish it was me so Lincoln wasn't hurting." Through all the fighting and teasing, anger and silliness, bottom line, they will always love each other, and will always have each other. What an amazing gift I have been given, 3 beautiful children.