Saturday, November 26, 2011
11 Years
Thanksgiving Weekend
We spent Thanksgiving this year with Grandma and Grandpa Kellogg. We decided to make it a one day round trip affair, so we spent a good 4 hours in the car but it really is easier then hauling all our stuff to spend the night. We had a small gathering, but it was nice to spend time with them and eat our delicious thanksgiving feast. We had a long weekend to prepare for the crazy month of December. Kevin and Conor went skiing and the rest of us started hauling out the Christmas decorations.
This is what Kevin wishes he could do all weekend. He loves college football. He records the games so he can fast forward through all the junk. He spent a good chunk of his day trying to figure out why one of the strands on our prelit tree wasn't working. He finally ended up pulling it off and restringing it. Thank you Kevin. The rest of his day was spent at the temple with his Young Men.
Conor and Lincoln "rocking" on the rocking horse. Conor scoots Lincoln around on the horse between the upstairs bedrooms. It can be a wild ride but Lincoln loves it and laughs and laughs. He has learned to hang on.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
November happenings around our house
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Primary Program
Last Sunday was our Primary program. I am the primary chorister in our ward and I just have to say that my little primary children sang their hearts out for me and I couldn't be prouder!!! It is always so cool to hear the last practice run through and be thinking..."heaven help us." Then the day of the program comes around and low and behold...Heaven did help us, and the program turns out absolutely beautiful! The children always come through and all the hard work shines through. I received so many compliments on how well the kids knew the songs and that they could hear them and understand them. It just warms my heart. This year we sang some really pretty songs that even brought tears to a few eyes. The overall favorite was Praise to the Man and the Books in the Book of Mormon. A few times I had to ask the kids to sing softer...crazy I know. Music is such a wonderful facilitator of the spirit and I love helping the kids feel the spirit through song.
I am blessed to have this calling...I know these kids will years down the road sing the Books in the Book of Mormon song in their heads when they are looking up a scripture and maybe sometimes they will think of Sister Kellogg and the crazy things she does or did to make them sing.
Conor and Josie of course performed fabulous! They both had their parts memorized and Conor even had a large part and he did great. Conor is also one of my best singers. He sings so loud sometimes I can't hear the rest of the kids, better this way then not. One time in primary I had threatened the kids that if they didn't behave they would have to come up and sing a solo. Well one boy pushed the limit and I brought him up to the mike and he was terrified. I asked if anyone wanted to help him and Conor volunteered and came up and sang like a champ...all the leaders were raising their eyebrows at the gusto. Time to sing Christmas songs!
I am blessed to have this calling...I know these kids will years down the road sing the Books in the Book of Mormon song in their heads when they are looking up a scripture and maybe sometimes they will think of Sister Kellogg and the crazy things she does or did to make them sing.
Conor and Josie of course performed fabulous! They both had their parts memorized and Conor even had a large part and he did great. Conor is also one of my best singers. He sings so loud sometimes I can't hear the rest of the kids, better this way then not. One time in primary I had threatened the kids that if they didn't behave they would have to come up and sing a solo. Well one boy pushed the limit and I brought him up to the mike and he was terrified. I asked if anyone wanted to help him and Conor volunteered and came up and sang like a champ...all the leaders were raising their eyebrows at the gusto. Time to sing Christmas songs!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Halloween- and more knee drama.
I am not a huge fan of poor kids I know. I mostly hate the costume portion. The rest I don't mind at all. Generally the costumes at our house are either borrowed, stolen or reused from years past. I really hate spending money on a flimsy piece of material that: A. Will be covered by a coat, B. Not worn at all, or C. Torn and not properly worn. Oh and don't get me started on the props and shoes you need to "finish" it off. That are my sadly dressed children trying to be...
Scarecrow Lincoln-such a good sport. He did not like the hat, but quickly realized he could not beat the parents so he kept it on the entire night rather then continue the tug a war.
Skeleton Conor-I caved and spent $14 dollars on this outfit, but he was a very HAPPY skeleton. Believe it or not I do try to make my kids happy sometimes (They don't think so.)
Princess Josie-recognize this from last year? Her choosing I promise. We were just happy she actually put something on resembling a costume.
Not sure what she is dressed up as? Me either...again, just happy she even left the house fully clothed. Don't you love the lovely grey thick tights with the heels bunching up under the white sandal favorite part though is the bright blue Hawaii shirt. But of course her smile shows me she doesn't care, which actually makes me want to take a lesson from her and say "you go girl!" Who cares what other people think. She was the cutest craziest dressed princess there.
There are no pictures of a lovely flapper girl and her mobster boyfriend because we didn't get to wear our costumes. I even made the effort to borrow some great costumes for Kevin and me to attend a fun adults only Halloween party. Sadly, we missed it due to an unplanned 2nd surgery on my knee. Yes, another surgery. I went in for surgery at 5:00 Friday night to get the hardware removed from my knee. There went another bazillion dollars- for what you ask? A huge set back in recovery for me right now, but hopefully better in the long run. I am back to no driving and a knee brace, so I won't bend bast 90 degrees. Believe me, no bending beyond 30 is going on here. The decision was made because my recovery was being impeded by those blasted pins that were so close to the surface. You could even see the wire on a good day of no swelling. I don't know what if looks like now as I am still bandaged up, but I hope beyond hope that I will be on the ski slopes soon. Prayers for a full range of motion and speedy recovery right about know would be much appreciated. 2 months of inactivity can be so discouraging.
There are no pictures of a lovely flapper girl and her mobster boyfriend because we didn't get to wear our costumes. I even made the effort to borrow some great costumes for Kevin and me to attend a fun adults only Halloween party. Sadly, we missed it due to an unplanned 2nd surgery on my knee. Yes, another surgery. I went in for surgery at 5:00 Friday night to get the hardware removed from my knee. There went another bazillion dollars- for what you ask? A huge set back in recovery for me right now, but hopefully better in the long run. I am back to no driving and a knee brace, so I won't bend bast 90 degrees. Believe me, no bending beyond 30 is going on here. The decision was made because my recovery was being impeded by those blasted pins that were so close to the surface. You could even see the wire on a good day of no swelling. I don't know what if looks like now as I am still bandaged up, but I hope beyond hope that I will be on the ski slopes soon. Prayers for a full range of motion and speedy recovery right about know would be much appreciated. 2 months of inactivity can be so discouraging.
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