Santa came to the ward party!!! Josie got a jump on the other kids in the ward. She had been playing in the hall and noticed that he was in his room waiting to be announced so she came and got me and told me she wanted to go talk with him. We were the first in line! She had no problem getting on his lap, and ou know what she asked for?? A cake. Um...a cake? I have no idea. I think the being first in line and not watching the other kids asking for something caught her off guard. At least now I don't have to run to the store and get a toy. Now I just have to make a cake. Conor didn't care so much...he is on the verge of not believing and Lincoln could care less. I did have him sit on his lap though. Ho Ho Ho. I will note though that when we went to leave we were all walking to the car and Conor was no where to be found, I finally went back in to look for him, and you know where I found him? On Santa's lap, and my camera was in the car. I think my friend snapped one, we will see.

Josie and Santa
Lincoln and Santa
Conor and Josie in front of the Frosty tree

Josie and Conor posing in front of the sleight ride they wanted to win
Kevin came home a little early from work the other day so we piled in the car and drove downtown to enjoy the Christmas tree auction at the Davenport hotel. They decorate 12 trees beautifully and set up a raffle to auction off the trees. Each tree has other prizes associated with it. Wouldn't it be great if we won? Keep your fingers crossed. Always fun to get a little Christmas spirit

One more Christmas fun...Aren't those ornaments so dang cute??? I love them. My neighbor had these last year and I had been coveting them, so I asked him about them this year and he told me where he got them. YEA!!! Kevin went and got the last batch at this dive called Spokane was broken but he fixed it. So happy. Since we were getting all festive outside he bought a string of snowflake lights, threw a few lights on a small tree by the porch and broke out the door garland. I am thinking we are pretty festive. More then usual that is for sure. Maybe next year we will go for the whole house, baby steps.