I haven't blogged in so long that I bet you all thought we didn't actually come home from Hawaii. We did get on the plane and returned to the craziness of living with 3 busy children. I have been forcing myself to finish my blurb book for my 2011 blog before I continued on current posts. Finished and ordered! Here are some pictures of what has been going on around me as I sat at my computer.

Look what a few hours to kill on a Sunday afternoon created. Conor can dig deep and pull out a creative side if we force him to turn off all electronics. It can be painful sometimes, but look how cool this dragon is. The eyes even glow and the mouth had a flashlight underneath that made it look really neat. Having 9:00 clock church is heaven...naps and extra time for everyone.

Lincoln got his first haircut. 17 months. I didn't cut off much, just cleaned up the back and a little off the top. He wasn't all that cooperative but it will work for a few months.

Snow, cold and more cold is what we have been experiencing. We are ready for spring for sure, but have yet to see it.

Lincoln riding the push scooter. He circles the island and has really used it. He gets mad when the other kids try to take a spin, very possessive.

Bath time...Yes Josie is squirting Lincoln in the face and he doesn't really care. What a great kid.

Our gigantic mickey mouse pancake. The kids love to have pancakes for breakfast and Conor can almost make them all by himself.

Josie and her block tower...another moment of no electronic success

Lincoln is insisting he can feed himself. Not so good at it yet, but coming along. He is such a big eater it is crazy. He still loves pancakes and his new favorite is lasagna...he can out eat all the kids when it comes to those foods. Ritz crackers are his all time favorite.

Lincoln pulls this wagon around and then I caught him sitting in it. No one gave him a ride so that was short lived.