Another quite, all alone, blissfully peaceful morning for me. I went running on the beach every morning, which makes it hard to head indoors to the gym back in Spokane. When Kevin showed up today, we got in our trusty rental car and headed to the west side of the island. The drive along the coastline here is probably my favorite drive here in Maui. So much breath taking beauty. As we were driving along the coast we were fortunate to see a really cool whale breach, probably one of the best I have seen. I love it! Kevin's favorite part of this drive is the actual driving. The road past most of civilization is windey, narrow and hilly. He likes to pretend our rental car is a Porsche.
Today we went straight to the Olivine pools. These are some obscure pools, not well known, up past the Nakalele blow hole. These are fun because you can swim in them even when the ocean is raging around you. The hike in is really beautiful and again the coastline views are some of the best. After the Olivine pools we back tracked to the Nakalele blow hole. We took the long way in today and came thorough some really cool alien like scenery. The rocks are riddled by salt and the elements and look really neat. It was fun to come up to the blow hole from a different side. This blow hole claimed my camera last time I was here, none of that this trip.
After the blow hole we needed to find a good location for our sunset-we ended up stopping just outside of Napili to enjoy the surfers with the sunset in the background. I counted 50 surfers out enjoying some good waves. We even witnessed a little excitement as a surfer mowed over another surfer and sliced his leg open. We saw it all from a far, so nothing real gory. Just heard the rumor and saw the ambulance come in. We then went down to Lahaina to do a little shopping and fill our bellies. Another good day in Maui!
-My blissful morning view |
-Some west side coastline beauty |
-More coastline |
-I stood here a good 15 minutes watching these waves crash in. The ocean is so amazingly powerful. |
-Lovin the coastline behind us and how we got that amazing wave crash! Thank you Go Pro remote. |
-Some pools not far from the Olivine pools. I thought these were actually prettier, but much smaller and not accessible |
-A sample of the neat rock formations that we were walking through |
-The Nakalele blow hole |
-More Nakalele blow hole |
-Blow hole with a bit of a rainbow above it, With the sun low in the sky it was really pretty to watch the residual spray from the blowhole dissipate through the air. |
-Kevin in the Olivine Pools-see the ocean crashing behind him? Tthis picture doesn't do it justice |
-One of the cool cliff views we got as we took the "back" way to the blow hole |
-Coastline selfie |
-If you look in the right corner you can see a little surfer catching the wave |
-Beautiful Sunset on Day 3 |