This little beauty came in the mail the other day. I filled out the paperwork for it many months back so it was a surprise I had forgotten about. Battling the diabetic monster at our house is a never ending and heart wrenching battle that offers no reprieves. This token seems small but is a mental boost that says -well done. Congrats to Conor on achieving immeasurable finger pokes, and injections and pod site changes and dex site changes and all the other garbage that comes with the territory and believe me there is a lot more garbage.
We got some heavy wet snow and Lincoln talked me into coming out to build a little snowman with him. Enjoying the little moments with my baby before he doesn't want me to build a snowman with him.
The rest are snap shots I came across that are dated in February. Josie showing off her Christmas dress, one final ski day, and some pictures with the Robinson's
-Caught these cute girls in the hallway at church |
-Me and Sara-Love this pretty lady so so much |
-Kellogg and Robinson couple selfie-we went to dinner together and had to document the fun |