Monday, December 15, 2008

Gingerbread fun

We made our gingerbread house for the year. We invited the Willard's over and Conor and Kyler decorated to their hearts content then the adults took over. We had a great time listening to Christmas music and eating candy. Mmm..yum..yum. Unfortunately I fear our house is not going to make it to Christmas. All the decorations and icing are slowly falling off, probably with a little help. The bad think for Conor is that his blood sugar will always reveal his snitching. I must admit that he is very good about not snitching though. What a trooper. He will pull it off and then say: "Mom it is falling off, can I just eat it???" This is what I think gingerbread houses are for, so I don't mind. No perfect, 10 year old, petrified and stored gingerbread houses for us. Here is the finished masterpiece before the snitching began.


The Witt Family said...

Way cute! Looks like Christmas at your house!

Rachael said...

Do you remember a long, long time ago when we made gingerbread houses at the Densley's house?? I think we were 6 or 7? I remember I had the hardest time keeping the walls of my house up :)

We have a kit for doing this - I need to get moving soon before Christmas arrives.

But you are right about the snacking problem. They dont last long.

thejohnmfamily said...

I need to get our stuff out and do that before Christmas. At least I won't feel bad throwing it out after a few days since Christmas is so soon.