Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Easter

Josie looked so cute in her Easter dress!

Conor is 6!

Another year has gone by. This year Conor woke up on his birthday with a fever of 103. So sad. We had planned a friend party and fun for the whole day since it was spring break. BUMMER. (hence the sad picture) Fortunately we rescheduled and we had a treasure hunt/presents and cake and ice cream just a few days later. The treasure hunt turned out to be exhausting since we over planned. I wanted the kids outside playing as long as possible so I ran them ragged. The kids were all hot and tired-see the red cheeks in the picture. On to 7!
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Where have we been?

Life has been busy lately with the weather finally "warming" up a little bit. Soccer is back, and my personal favorite...BIKING SEASON is upon us. I have been able to get out 4 or 5 times so far and I couldn't be happier. I was sore for a few rides, but I am back and ready to have a great season. For my birthday Kevin finally got me a gym membership!!! I have so missed going to the gym, but I have been putting it off because the gym here is pretty ghetto. It is so great to get out and do the classes and spin. My family can attest to me being much happier when I get in my daily work out.

Soccer is back in full swing and Conor is in heaven. Soccer is much more his forte. He really likes to run.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Utah Trip - Spring 09

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What we did in Utah

We were in Utah a few weeks ago. Above are a few pictures of some of the fun we had. I am sad I don't have more. I guess I wasn't in the picture taking mood. Here is a quick run down of the fun we had. We were able to spend time with lots of friends and family. We got our taxes done (Thanks Sally and Craig,) we had an early celebration for Conor's B-day, we went to the Dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving point, rode the carousel, ate at Cafe Rio and Brick Oven and got a yummy treat at Hogi Yogi, all my favorite places that I miss dearly. My Mom and I were able to do some fun shopping, and Conor and I went to the art museum on campus to see the Walter Wick exhibit and we really enjoyed it. We had a spectacular time and thanks to all those who arranged to spend time with us and put us up. We loved seeing everyone and now we miss you even more. Come visit us, we owe you.