Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Conor is 6!

Another year has gone by. This year Conor woke up on his birthday with a fever of 103. So sad. We had planned a friend party and fun for the whole day since it was spring break. BUMMER. (hence the sad picture) Fortunately we rescheduled and we had a treasure hunt/presents and cake and ice cream just a few days later. The treasure hunt turned out to be exhausting since we over planned. I wanted the kids outside playing as long as possible so I ran them ragged. The kids were all hot and tired-see the red cheeks in the picture. On to 7!
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1 comment:

The Witt Family said...

I wish we could have been there to celebrate - we have a few birthday pictures that look just like Conor's sad picture because of sickness on the birthday - there is nothing worse than being sick on your birthday!!!