Thursday, August 6, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Amidst the fun of summer we did squeeze in some fun swimming lessons. Sister Keenan in our ward teaches them at her house and she does a great job. It is nice to go to her private pool instead of the public pool and her classes are almost private. My challenge was keeping Josie out of the water. She adores swimming so it was a lot of running around the pool for me. I got my exercise. She got to get in the water on the last day and she was in heaven. Conor learned a lot and he can't get enough of the pool. This year he almost learned to dive. He is so close. He was excited because now he can pass the swim test at the public school that allows you to go off the diving board and the slide. Bring on the water!


Mindy Blake said...

Wow Julie! You have had a busy summer! Looks like you've had a good time though--I can't believe Josie is two, time does fly!

Rachael said...

We have the same thing in our neighborhood - a wonderful lady on the corner who teachers - and it was fabulous! My kids learned more this year than the past 3 years in a public pool/rec center lesson.

And awesome dive!

Tallie Geddes said...

I love swim lessons - that usually means naps!! You guys have been busy - all your fun outdoor activities - you make me tired! Hope all is well!