Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Look who is 35

Man we are getting so old. Kevin had another birthday, which means I am about to have one as well. Bummer. We didn't do anything too exciting for Kevin's birthday this year, but we did make his favorite eclair cake, made him his favorite dinner of homemade BBQ pizza and he even had a present to open that he won't take back (miracles)...2 boxes of Samoa girl scout cookies. I am such a great wife I know.

Everyone had a turn at blowing out these candles, even Lincoln. We decided to see how Lincoln felt about the candles since he wanted nothing to do with them on his birthday. We were pleasantly surprised that he liked them and even did a pretty decent job of blowing them out.

This is one of the 9 cards Josie made for Daddy. She was really cute about reading them to him and amazingly enough they always said the same thing, even from when she created them hours before to giving them to Dad. Maybe she can read something in those zig-zags I can't.

The yummy cookies

Now, the pictures below are of Kevin's Christmas and birthday present for the next 2 years. Kevin ordered this beauty months and months ago and it finally arrived about mid January. This is "THEEE" bike to have. Anyone who knows anything about bikes will look at this baby with envy. I present to you the Ibis-MOJO SL-R

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I've heard about ibis bikes - heard lots of good things.

You must post the details to this eclair cake. Never heard of it - but sounds yummy and I'm a huge fan of eclairs.

Do you ever forget how old we're getting? Sometimes I even have to ask Greg. I know we're over 30 - I just never remember if I'm past the 35 mark yet. Next will be the 40...