Monday, March 4, 2013

Red 2 Red

Red 2 Red Cross Country Cycle Race. Can you say hard? This was a tough tough race. 24 miles at a grueling pace with no rest for the weary. I only have one picture because when Kevin crossed the finish line I was still almost an hour out wishing I was anywhere else. There was something like 500 participants, 90 percent male and what seemed like 50 percent pro. I felt a little out of my league, but I am proud to say I finished and I wasn't last. Kevin breezed through it being the invincible biker that he is. I had some wicked leg cramping going on--I have never had my quads literally lock up like this. I couldn't bend them a few times it was crazy. Next time, if there is one, I will change up my nutrition for sure. It was a fun day and the kids were lucky enough to spend time with Grandma Kellogg.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

24 miles?? And you were hating life?? No way! Tell me how this was hard :)