Sunday, October 20, 2013

Celebrating 3 happy years with Lincoln

In the days leading up to Lincoln's  birthday he would tell people:  "My birthday is coming over!"  On the day of his birthday he was super excited to have balloons and the sign we made especially for him, he kept bringing me over to the sign and pointing out the pictures the kids had drawn and the letters on it etc... When we left the house he told me his birthday was at home.  So cute.  He helped me make his cake and wasn't really happy that the diggers I put on it weren't for him to play with immediately.  In fact he was more excited about "digging" the cake when the time came than blowing out the candles.  That's Lincoln for you.  

We decided to use Lincoln's birthday as a good excuse to christen the deck and fire pit.  We invited some families over to cook smores, eat cake and celebrate Lincoln's birth.  We even made homemade root beer.  I was really excited for the root yummy and reminds me of home. 

Happy Birthday my sweet baby Lincoln.  You make our family complete. 

-The proud 3 yr old with his digger birthday cake

-Full view of the cake-I am really happy with how this turned out, sometimes I surprise myself at how good I can copy someone's cute idea. 

-Homemade root beer!!!!!
-The birthday boy getting ready to blow out the candles

I finally let him "dig" the cake.  Now that I think about it, I don't think he even had a piece, but he dug out a good hole

-This was the star present of the night.  He wouldn't open anything else, we really had to save the rest of the presents for the next day.  

-Hudson and Lincoln trying out the digger

-Look at all the loot.  Happy and lucky Lincoln. 


Beeks by the Lake said...

Happy Birthday kiddo! And seriously Julie, that cake is AMAZING!

Rachael said...

Amazing cake! And I can't believe it's been 3 years. My almost 3-yr old is getting geared up for potty training (last one ever!!)