Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Few Conor pictures in Maui

Making a fort to withstand the waves!
The beloved waterslide at the Marriott pool.
Conor wore his Lei for 1.2 seconds. I had to bribe him to hold all 3. No pretty stuff for my all boy, he was willing to hold them if it got him to the pool faster.
Playing in the monster leaf/foilage in Wailaea...where's Conor? The greenery is incredible.

Conor loved Hawaii. He adores the swimming pool and would be absolutely happy if the pool at the resort in Maui was in our backyard. Then he wouldn't have to endure all the traveling. He much prefers the pool to the sandy beaches or shopping or eating, or exploring the island. I suppose the pool would need to include the nice weather of Hawaii. He was always asking when we could go back to the "apartment," and the pool. He is one lucky kid! I know many people who have never been to Hawaii and my little 5 year old has been twice!! I guess being a diabetic can have its advantages.


Krysta said...

Wow! How fun that you got to go there. Such fun pictures...loved the sunset. Someday I will be there too!

Abbie said...

Looks fun!! Lucky girl.

Kacey said...

I'm so jealous! See you Friday!

The Witt Family said...

Wish we could have gone with you!