Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gum Graft

On Friday I underwent a small form of torture. My dentist decided I needed to get a gum graft on my 6 front bottom teeth. Either do it now or a transplant years down the road. Both sound awful, but this one, a little less awful, I guess. So what they do is take tissue from the roof of your mouth then stitch it to the gum line. My mouth is full of stitches and this big bulky clay band-aid thing and a retainer for the roof of my mouth. Not exactly very comfortable, besides the pain from the actual procedure. I go back to get the stitches out next Friday and hopefully I can start eating and talking normal at that point. I know all of you are wishing you were me right now. ha ha. I did talk Kevin into teaching my Sunday school lesson for me so I got out of that one. Funny because after he agreed to do it for me, someone called and asked him to teach a YM's lesson, and give the closing prayer in sacrament meeting. He agreed to all 3, what a guy. I guess he gets triple blessings today.


Mindy Blake said...

Hang in there Julie! Why didn't you post any pictures? Ü

Rachael said...

Oh gosh - how awful! Nothing to make you feel like your starting to age than a procedure like that :) Hope you recover soon.

Abbie said...

So sorry Jules. That's no fun. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Beeks by the Lake said...

Ouch! I hope you heal quickly

Krysta said...

That sounds like pure torture!!! Hopefully you are doing better now.

John-n-Mel said...

UGH! Sorry Julie! Hope things are better!

thejohnmfamily said...
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thejohnmfamily said...

Oh my gosh, why did they do this in the first place? What a pain--I'm so sorry. I think the dentist is evil.

Melissa B. said...

that sounds terrible. I had an implant done this winter . It was AWFUL! I feel for you.