Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years day 2010 at Lookout Pass

Check this one out in the 2022 Olympics Taking a ski break to climb a monster snow hill
and throw snow balls at Uncle Darren
Conor Carving his piece of snow at Lookout Pass
A moment of rest

We didn't waste anytime hitting the slopes. Grandma Kellogg drove down with Darren and Stephanie to watch Josie so we could all spend a few days at Lookout Pass. We went on New Years day and the day after. It snowed pretty much the entire time we were there both days, so the snow was GREAT! Conor had a rough start on the bunny hill and we had our doubts that this was going to be his year, but then we got his blood sugar into a happier range and a quick change of attitude and suddenly it was a new Conor. He loved it. Towards the end of the 2nd day he was getting pretty fast. As for us older kids, we didn't do too bad ourselves since the last time we went skiing we can't even remember. We all had a very very good time and we look forward to making many happy memories together in the snow of the Northwest. (I will always prefer the powder Utah is famous for though. )


Melissa B. said...

Skiing is so fun as a family! Bowen keeps asking when we will go. Hopefully this week! Well it's official we are coming your way. We found a house we like in Liberty Lake. So it will be probably March! We are really excited. I can't believe how old Josie looks. She seems a lot older than Bea, maybe it's the hair. You all look great.

Megan said...

How FUN!! That looks like a wonderful time as a family. Mitch and the girls got skis this year and I am so jealous! As I am typing this Mitch is on the slopes of Deer Valley and tomorrow the girls start lessons at Sundance. I was good times skiing with you, Kerry and Melissa. I felt bad I was never as good as you and that you had to wait but it's fun memmories.

Anonymous said...

I can't even remember the last time I went skiing. It has been at least 15 years I think. I would love to try again sometime, but there is nowhere to ski around here. Oh well!

Tallie Geddes said...

I was just thinking I needed to teach Jessa to ski - now after seeing that I REALLY want her to learn. The only thing that is stopping me is Jessa. She is scared to even ride a bike. I know she would have fun if she tried! That's why I need you still next door so we could take them together. Saftey in numbers!

thejohnmfamily said...

Wow, Gavin has never even really seen snow. I can't imagine even taking them sledding--you're so motivated. Maybe if we get back to a state with 4 seasons I'll have to send John with the kids. How fun!