Thursday, April 8, 2010


We had a crazy weekend at our house. It was Conor's birthday on the 3rd and my birthday on the 4th and Easter and Conference all rolled into 2 days. Can you have too much fun??? NO WAY. Conor celebrated his Birthday by going to see the movie How to tame a Dragon and then colored easter eggs, opened a few presents and then was thrilled to be allowed to play his new video game - Big game hunter, to his hearts content. He chose to have taco's for his special dinner and we agreed to share a birthday cake together on my birthday. He even let me choose the kind, as long as I made it. Dad managed to be gone most of the day with a YM hike and then Priesthood, but we celebrated with out him.

Birthday Buddies- Chocolate Heath Angel food cake!!!!
Even if I had to make it myself, it was delish!

Conor the 7 year old!

Happy to finally open presents!


Megan said...

Happy birthday to the birthday buddies! Looks like a great cake. Funny how you had to make it even on YOUR birthday. Hope it was a wonderful, even thought crazy, birthday weekend.

Darren and Stephanie said...

Hope you two had a very great birthday!