Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lincoln is finally smiling

I was starting to get a little worried that this little guy was going to be selfish with his smiles, but I guess he just wasn't ready to share yet. He still isn't really generous, but I can usually coax one out of him when his tummy is full. I love it when they start showing a little personality. Quick update on our little guy: Still sleeping through the night like a champ, Still sleeps a lot during the day! YEA! YEA! I take him to the gym with me every morning and he sleeps through all the loud music like a true sport, in fact he will usually wake up when the music stops. He is holding his head up really well and he loves to be in the middle of the action.


Beeks by the Lake said...

Look at that sweet face. So adorable!

Amberlyn Johnson said...

So cute, I can't wait for him and Kaiden to meet!

Rachael said...

I have to admit I'm jealous about the gym and how frequently you get to go. I'm just hesitant to go with My Pirate because of the whole flu/cold/virus potential. Again - the germ freak in me coming out. Wish I could guarantee he wouldn't pick up anything...