Friday, December 10, 2010


Conor telling Santa that he wants a remote control helicopter-we might be able to arrange that.
Josie telling Santa she wants a Horsey-hmmm...not so much. I think she meant a My little Pony, but she really doesn't even get that she can ask Santa for anything and he just might bring it. Next year we might worry that she will be upset when there is no horsey under the tree. Conor on the other hand has it figured out, so he thinks. He told Kevin the other day that he needed to make his wish list longer because it isn't every day that someone brings you free toys.

Lincoln with his Santa...why I didn't put him on Santa's lap? I guess I didn't feel like waiting in line behind the entire primary for a photo op. -now I regret it.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I wouldn't feel too bad about Lincoln and the Santa thing - think about how many germs from all the kids are clinging to his outfit and beard. Yes - I'm a clean phobia freak. But esp with a newborn - you can't be too careful.