Saturday, January 7, 2012


We went to see the eagles up at Lake Couer d'Alene. Something we have been meaning to do for the last 4 years. It is a new tradition for sure. Every December record numbers of Eagles come our way because the kokanee salmon are running at the lake. I even heard that it is the largest gathering of eagles in the North West since Eagles usually don't hang out together. We were able to see lots and it was me who didn't want to leave. They are beautiful and huge and simply amazing to watch snatch a fish out of the water.
So cool!! Mind you we don't have a nice camera, but we still got some pretty decent pictures. I like that you can compare the size of this eagle to those pesky seagulls.
Binoculars are a hot commodity

The kids were not thinking this was as cool as I did. They actually were whining because the temperature was literally cold. Someday they will appreciate it I suppose.

Conor defrosting the freezer. We had Grandma and Grandpa bring up their steamer to help get rid of the layer of ice. It was the highlight of Conor's day to shoot hot water at the ice.
Lincoln helping Grandma type an e-mail. Lincoln showing his new found walking skills

Side note for Lincoln: He loves attention. Our favorite game at dinnertime is to have all of us turn away from Lincoln then on the count of three look at him and he busts a gut laughing about it. He loves it when people laugh. He always joins in which is so cute.


The Witt Family said...

The blog looks great! It was fun to see pictures of all the fun. I need to do that still. Tell everyone hi from us!

Rachael said...

I have always always wanted one of those steamers. One day I'm determined to own one. It would go right along with my cleaning obessive compulsive behavior.

And the eagles look so amazingly cool - how fun you guys had the chance to see them. And I can totally see my kids acting the same way :) So funny.

John-n-Mel said...

Does Connor Want to come defrost our freezer? I've got a steamer :)

Sara Orlando said...

Your kids are so adorable! I loved the pic of Lincoln walking and the pic of Josie frowning because she was too cold! Thanks for the invite to your blog!
Love, Sara