Monday, April 16, 2012

Nursery Finally!

We made it! Lincoln is finally old enough to go to nursery. His 1st day was February 26th. I can't say he went in with a smile, he was actually very skeptical. Kevin had to stay with him for a few minutes then sneak out. He has been a few times now and he has yet to go in willingly. The only way they get him to stay in there is to scoop him up with a soft cuddly blanket and hold him for a few minutes. Works every time. He loves blankets...and stuffed animals, my only kid who has shown an attachment to a particular item (besides a passie.) Hooray for nursery!

****side note.  Took Lincoln to his 18 month check up and his stats were:  
Weight:  25 lbs (49%) 
Height:  32.5" (58%)
Head:  18.5 (28%)
The picture of perfect health!

Josie showing off her bunny and leprechaun craft from preschool. I can't believe preschool has only 7 weeks left. Where has the year gone? She has loved her teachers and class and she has really learned a lot. We will miss the frog church for sure.

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