Spent the afternoon of April 26th in the OR (Operating Room)again. 3 times in 7 months. 3 times too many. We are hoping that 3rd times the charm. This was a fairly simple knee scope, much less invasive then the other 2 surgeries. Surgery none the less. The jury is still out on whether it will solve all my problems, but I will say it cleared up all the icky crackling and grinding. I saw the before and after pictures and spoke with Dr. Mitchell and he described my knee cartilage as looking like shag carpet, not good, it should be nice and smooth. So he cleaned it up and out the best he could. I still have swelling and pain that is for sure, but it should go down eventually. I am going to to some physical therapy this time around and just hope, hope, hope, that my knee will come back to me.
The only good thing about these surgeries is that I have forced down time. This is good and bad. I feel lazy, but I also spend a ton more time doing quiet activities with the kids, which is something that sometimes gets forgotten in our busy lives. This time around I taught Josie to play Go Fish and then we used the Old Maid cards to play Memory. I could have probably used a few more days of rest, but the Jog A Thon needed MC'ing and soccer games, and preschool and scouts and, and, and all continued even as I felt crappy. No rest for the weary! Thanks to some good friends for helping out with the kids. You know who you are.
Josie and Lincoln playing Operation and Kerplunk |
Me, Lincoln and Josie enjoying some quiet time |