Saturday, May 26, 2012

Spring Fun

Spring has finally arrived in Spokane!  Spring is such a long time coming here, and rather short, so we take every beautiful day we can.  Since I haven't been able to go to the gym much since the last surgery, Lincoln and I have taken to walking while Josie is at preschool, we both love to get outside.  I need to have someone take a picture of us and I will throw it in here to prove I exist. 

The kids have decided that breakfast on the deck is the only way to go

Copy cat Lincoln.  If the kids are sitting on the floor he will plop down right next to them.  He copies any action that they do, which is so fun.  He dances when the beat is right and throws his arms in the air to cheer etc...

Anything with wheels...Lincoln rolling the animals around.


Beeks by the Lake said...

They grow so fast but they are so adorable. Looks like fun at your house!

Rachael said...

He is so cute with the little BYU shirt. Love this age.