Saturday, June 9, 2012

Narnia Farms (aka The Payne's)

This is where we were able to spend last weekend.  Would you believe that this beautiful piece of property is 40 minutes outside of Seattle?  John and Melanie recently purchased 8 acres, the horse boarding facility and all the fun that comes with it.  They can tell you whether it is fun or work, but we had nothing but fun. I am going to break this up into 3 posts since I have so many pictures.
Narnia Farms from the gate at the horse pasture.  The barn roof was ripped off a week before closing, so roof repair is priority right now. 
Kevin taking a break from some barn demolition...We didn't see a whole lot of the Dad's as they were busy in the barn
Conor adding his own destruction to the roof raising.  John looks pretty happy to hand over the power tools. 

The Horses!!!! They have 8 now and have room for 2 more.  The kids soon learned all their names and picked their favorites

I tried to get a picture of all the kids looking at me, but no luck.  This was the best I could do, the horses were much more entertaining, thank goodness.

Feeding the horses, so entertaining and very popular

Lincoln loved being outside with the kids and splashing in the puddles and walking in the mud.  Thank you Melanie for sharing shoes with us, as Lincoln's were quickly useless
Waiting for the horses to come in for the night!  This is a ritual with the Payne kids.  If they are all ready for bed, they can go out and help bring in the horses.  The Kellogg kids were happy to join in.
Conor bringing in Trigger
Josie bringing in Riot ( I think)  Night Night Horsies!


Rachael said...

What a fun trip! Lovely place. Very sweet of your husband to help out.

The Witt Family said...

Sounds like an awesome adventure!

The Sullengers said...

That does look beautiful! It's always so fun to get away, especially with friends!

John-n-Mel said...

Sooo much fun! Kids still talking about it!