Monday, July 2, 2012

The newest Kellogg bike rider

Josie is finally riding with out training wheels! I am sure she could have done this much sooner, but she never asked and I honestly forgot to get her started a while back. Once we got her on the smaller bike it really didn't take her long at all. She only had one spill and that is only because she wouldn't use the brakes. Yea for biking!!!
The happy rider

Daddy helping Josie get started

Josie focused on the road (the hardest part for her)

The new rider keeping herself hydrated

Love this face-After she mastered the little bike Kevin wanted to see if she could ride Conor's.  Just for a size check
Side note:  Some cute things Josie has said lately.  A friend was watching Conor check his blood and they wanted to know why and Josie told them it was because his pinkie was broken.  She meant to say pancreas.  She calls finger nail polish- paint nailish.  We were watching the Olympic track trials the other day and Josie looked up just as they were coming in to the finish line and she says.  "Are they playing tag Mom?"


Melissa B. said...

good Job Josie! we need to get Bea doing the same. We love the Hiawatha! fun to see you camping there... we have thought of doing the same. Just visited Providence and saw the old neighborhood:)

Rachael said...

Sigh... working on this with our own little girl right now. Work in progress - might take a few months... Congrats on getting her through it. It makes family bike rides so much more fun.

PS - saw your parents at the balloon festival in Provo - they looked great.

Mindy Blake said...

Your family is so cute and it looks like you have had a fabulous summer so far! I really miss you guys--will you be coming around this year?

Beeks by the Lake said...

She is so cute! Great work teaching her to ride like a pro.