Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lincoln is 2!

Another milestone met at our house. Baby Lincoln has left the baby stage and is officially a toddling 2 yr old with a strong desire for independence.  As we all know he has a tremendous love for cars so I broke my rule of  no cool birthday cakes made by me at my house, and decided that this kid just had to have a car cake.  I found one that looked fairly painless and tried it out.  Believe it or not, it actually turned out pretty decent.  I got up and made it in the morning in case I needed to make cupcakes as back up (no cupcakes were made).  My mistake was to not take pictures 1st thing, it ended up drooping a bit over the course of the day.  Oh well, all I really wanted was to be able to tell it was a car and I think it did. 

We had pancakes for his birthday meal and then opened presents, then cake.  Grandma and Grandpa Nielsen came to help celebrate his birthday, which made it even more fun.  The greatest thing about a 2 yr old birthday is that they are so unassuming.  Every new surprise is just that, a surprise and amazing and it is almost over whelming.  He was so animated and happy all evening, I loved it.  We decide to get him a train table for his birthday.  I figured that his love of cars and wheels would make him an excellent candidate for a table.  I was right, the table was a hit.  Josie and Conor even liked it. For the first few days it was always being played with by someone. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINCOLN!
Happy Birthday boy with his presents
He was so excited to open the 1st present (car)
The car cake and candles moment!  What more does a 2 yr old need?

Here is the rear view

Front view

Are there other presents?  According to Lincoln, No

This picture is because we talked Lincoln into parking these cars while he opened another present and he kept checking on them to make sure no one took them. 

This table was a hit for everyone in the family


Darren and Stephanie said...

I can't believe he is 2! Great job on the cake Julie.

The Sullengers said...

That cake turned out awesome! We love our train table so I'm glad he likes it!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much he has changed just since July! He looks so much older already. We miss you guys!