Thursday, November 1, 2012

Farewell to the Wards

Saying good bye to friends is the pits. Our really good friends Julie, Mike, Isabelle, Michael and Luke, up and moved away. So devastating for all of us! We all loved hanging out together, mom's, dad's and kids. They moved to Florida with 2 weeks notice. We wish them the best, but there is a part of me that will always be mad at them. I knew you would leave me one day Julie. In the 2 week notice we had, we were able to spend time helping out with the move and hanging out while the movers moved them, so that was a bonus. We even snuck in a few last rounds of Killer Bunnies.   Here are some of the fun memories we made.

Julie and Julie-She has to be cool if she shares a name!

Josie and Isabelle

Michael and Lincoln-these two were really starting to get along well

Koolaid playdough

Painting toenails-boys included

Kaylynn's birthday party, but it was a good farewell party for Isabelle as well.

1 comment:

The Witt Family said...

killer bunnies? Sounds like fun - do you need to teach me a new game?