Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring Break-Day 3 & 4

On Sunday we went to church, relaxed at Grandma and Grandpa's house and and  we wandered around the visitor center and St. George temple grounds.
-climbing the long stairs up to the temple doors

Day 4

Grandma and Grandpa offered to watch the kids for an extended amount of time this morning so we could go on a longer mountain bike ride. We got up before the sun even came up so we could take advantage of the kids sleeping and tackle the car travel time. The problem with no sun is freezing temps! Oh so so so cold, when we got out of the car at Goose Berry Mesa the temp was 29 degrees. My teeth were chattering. Kevin had done this trail before and was really excited about it. This was a difficult trail, ultra technical, brutal slick rock and some wicked terrain. I ended up walking my bike a lot-hate that. Kevin would go up and down some of these super steep ledges like a lizard on his bike and I would just shake my head, no regrets though, glad I got out there and tried it out.  This is a quote I stole from a Mountain biking site.  "Unlike Moab's Slickrock Trail, there are no brutal hill-climbs. Instead, the ride is a test of balance, burst strength, and reaction time: short ups, brief downs, and quick turns. You can rarely see where you're going to put the bike 20 feet later.  I couldn't agree more.  Here are some snap shots.  We only had our Gopro cameras on our bikes, so no stellar pictures.
-Gotta have a picture of me walking my bike.  I really like the rising sun in the back here.
-Included this one to show the Red EXTREMELY Difficult markings

-King of the trail
-So pretty-hard to stand on a sheer edge with unstable biking shoes. 
-That tiny black ribbon to the left and below Kevin is a highway
-Some of the calmer terrain

-The crowning jewel viewpoint.  Zion National Park is just to the east of the edge of this picture
After Gooseberry Mesa we headed back to the house so we could let the kids swim and wait for the arrival of the Witt family.

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