Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Various January Fun

New Years Eve was all kinds of fun this year!  We got together with some families and partied only as mormons can. We danced and ate and played games and did it all again. No faking the 10:30 midnight with this crowd. We all hung on to the real hour and had a blast together.

January found Lincoln heading in to Sunbeams! He isn't a huge fan, but seems to be handling it OK.
The Willards came over to hang out one night and we did popcorn olympics.

Conor went to the fire station for scouts and when we went to pick him up they invited us in for a tour of the station and to see the trucks. Lincoln was surprisingly a little shy about it, but enjoyed sitting in the drivers seat and checking out the engines.
I love when January finally rolls around and you can take a moment to gather with friends and family and take a collective breather.

Kevin and Conor went night skiing one evening and snapped this beautiful picture of the sun setting.  Unfortunately Josie was unable to join them because her snow pants just didn't feel right.  And the drama of clothes continues with poor Josie. 
-Midnight pandamonium!
-Laura, Julie, Amina, Shelly, Megan, Julie and Lori
-My baby is a Sunbeam!

-The Popcorn Olympics

-Sunset over 49

1 comment:

Julie said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Lincoln is HUGE!!!! He's still that cute little happy baby in my head!