Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A visit from G&G and Halloween

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit for a few days! This trip Grandma decided to give us the opportunity to go see what Daddy does at work. We had been wanting to go see his new digs, but Grandma came up with a real excuse to go bother him by breaking her foot and needing some x-rays. Despite Grandma needing to wear a special shoe for 6 weeks, it was a fun outing.  We did some shopping, we ate out, we carved pumpkins, we showed Dad the rental house and had a marvelous time with them.

We waved goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa on Halloween morning and got ready for trick or treating fun.  Josie was super-woman, Lincoln was a scarecrow and Conor a skeleton.  We really trick or treated in style this year.  The Wilson's hooked their trailer up and drove all of us around to different neighborhoods.  The kids made a serious haul!!!  What a great way to trick or treat.   

-Sunday dinner with Grandma and Grandpa and some bats
-Kevin trying to convince Mom that she had to wear that beautiful shoe...not an easy task
-Linc and Daddy at work looking at X-rays
-We put Grandma to work carving pumpkins.  I know this was always her favorite pass time (not.)

-G&G and the kids showing off the carved pumpkins
-Super woman, Skeleton and Scarecrow

-Just about to head out in our "ride"
-Counting and trading candy

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