Sunday, April 26, 2015

Weekend at Schweitzer

Since the ski season was oh so rotten this year and 49 had to close mid February, Schweitzer took pity on season pass holders and offered a one day free pass at their half open resort. I had been wanting to try Schweitzer for ages, but just couldn't justify it when we have passes at 49. So when I heard about this deal I jumped at the opportunity. I decided make it a date weekend and leave the kids home. Sara offered to take in the Kellogg kids for 24 hours. Isn't she the best? Kevin and I got up early and drove up to Schweitzer and got an early start. It was a beautiful day but it was BRRRR cold. The snow was awful and half the mountain was closed but it was free and I was on a date with my man and we were outside skiing and I was happy!! After we went skiing we went to try out some local mexican cuisine and then to the hotel to enjoy the hot tub. We walked around Sand Point, hit the shops and took in a movie, and slept in late, and just enjoyed being together.   When we came home we found that the kids really didn't miss us at all.  They loved having a sleepover with the Robinson family.  All was well. 

1 comment:

The Sullengers said...

The Robinsons are the best! I'm so happy you got to get away. How amazing!