Thursday, November 13, 2008

1st Time Out

Josie is in trouble! What to do with a 16 month old who thinks she is 5? Josie has to do everything Conor is doing, yet she still refuses to talk. She makes it a point to be in the middle of the action or else she will scream until there is no action. She is very very determined. We were playing a game at our tall kitchen table (counter height) because we wanted to keep it away from Josie. Well she figured out how to climb up on the tall tall chairs then proceeded to climb on top of the table. After pulling her off several times, we abandoned the game. Small problem. She now knows how to climb up on to the table and she thinks it is great fun. Josie is an accident waiting to happen. She always has a bump/cut or bruise on her head and now I am waiting for the broken arm or leg. So after struggling with the table I finally put her in her 1st time out. Oh was she mad. I even pulled out the camera to document so you could all see. It seemed to work for a while, but we still have the late afternoon stretch ahead of us.


The Witt Family said...

So sad!!! It is hard to be a parent sometimes! (and if you ask Josie it is hard to be a kid sometimes too)

Melissa B. said...

This is so Funny/Cute/frustrating. I can't believe she is already old enough to be in time out. That just means Bea is not far behind. i love her little pink nose!

thejohnmfamily said...

That is too funny. I shouldn't laugh, but they are always so shocked the first time they go to time out.

Rachael said...

I love it! It's great you captured this moment on film. I always find these moments cute for the first couple of years - by 3 and 4 yrs of age - I start to burn out and lose patience...

PS - that's great your parents saw my in-laws at the Joseph Smith Birthplace. I hope they had a good time. We've spent MANY weekends there - it's so beautiful, smells fantastic with all the woods, and there's so many things to do.

John-n-Mel said...

I Love that you took a picture! So funny! Way to be strong and just as firm. Tyler too was a climber until she fell off the tall chairs-we have the same height as you. Now she's a lil more scared of heights these days. Happy to report no broken bones. :) Except John's which is still healing, slowly but surely and any progress is good progress.

Abbie said...

That is so funny. What a great picture. I relieve so much stress when I just laugh (with my back to them-of course)!! Atleast it might work for her. Max just goes to the corner for fun. Grrr!