Sunday, November 30, 2008

Living in Thanksgiving

Today I had to speak in church. Normally I despise speaking in church, and as much as I hate to admit it, this time around was a breeze. I was given the topic of living in Thanksgiving. The topic was great. Our ward never has the couples speak together, so Kevin spoke months ago and it was nice to sit on the stand and watch Kevin wrestle with the kids. I heard Josie squawk/squeal several times and saw Conor get lost trying to find his way back to the seat after a trip to the drinking fountain...It is a different view from the stand. Josie was having a very off day at church. She can't hold still for anything so I took her into the nursery to try her out since she can officially join in January. She did OK...she would have been fine if I left her alone, but I didn't dare leave her in fear of the havoc she would reak. She does not know how to share...she is very determined and I am afraid she can be a bit bossy. We are too lenient with her at home I guess. We will be working on that for the next month.

I have once again managed to escape learning how to cook turkey, I know I am pathetic. We spent Thanksgiving with Kevin's family and had a much better dinner then I could ever produce. We came home Friday evening to a bit of snow so the kids went out and played in it for a few minutes. Josie thought it was great-aside from the fact she couldn't walk very well with all the winter garb. We put most of our Christmas decorations up and I even talked Kevin into putting lights on the house and they look great! He was very reluctant, but once he got started he couldn't stop. :)

Happy December to everyone. Good luck with the Christmas craziness, and a bit of advice from my talk: It's not having what you want that counts, it's wanting what you have, and less is more. I need to live in Thanksgiving daily, and never take for granted the little things in life or assume that I deserve them, or created them on my own. The Lord has provided all.


Kacey said...

Sounds like a good talk. It's nice to get a break from wrestling the kids. Even if it means you have to speak. Congrats on the 8 years of marriage!

thejohnmfamily said...

I think it's great that you convinced Kevin to put up Christmas lights. John is having nothing to do with that, so my kids have resorted to peeking through the blinds to see the neighbor's lights. SAD!

Erica said...

Hi Julie, I almost picked this background because its so cute. I might have to put it up in January. Hope you guys have a great Holiday.

Emily Hansen said...

Hi Julie! I loved the advice you gave from your talk. I'm glad you got to go somewhere for Thanksgiving. I can't imagine cooking it all by myself either. We woke up to snow for the first time today. Can you believe that we went to the zoo this weekend in December. The weather has been different here this year.