Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

Our 4th of July started a little bit "rocky" ha ha- no pun intended. Conor was playing badminton and he was running backward for a great save only to get tripped up on something and he ended up catching himself with the back of his head on a big ol rock. I wasn't outside at the moment, but I was told that it made a very good - thwack. Fortunately we have a Daddy who can save us hours from the emergency room and save us hundreds in medical bills. Thank you Daddy. Kevin and Conor quickly went home and cleaned him up, and as Kevin says threw in a staple and they were back with in the hour to enjoy the BBQ. Conor is a pretty good badminton player by the way.
See the size of this marshmallow?Roasting marshmallows and hot dogs
Benjamin and Josie...eating ice cream...yum yumSPARKLERS!!

Spokane county has a ban on fireworks so unfortunately the only choice for our little pyro was a few measly spaklers. Once you leave the county you can do what ever you want, so next year we will wise up and escape. Believe me there is nothing worth staying in Spokane county for on the 4th of July. I actually dread the 4th here. At least this year we kept it low key anyway since it was Sunday. We went to church and I planned this really fun 4th of July singing time for primary and the kids loved it. One of those moments when you are glad you spent hours preparing. We then came home and got ready to go to a friends for a BBQ. We spent he afternoon and evening eating and chatting and laughing and playing yard games-fun times. Josie was the backup singer/dancer entertainer...She is a very good sport and happy to groove to the music. We went up to Deer Park to watch the city firework show, which was rather disappointing, but hey it was fireworks. Josie was calling them Pops. Hopefully next year we can catch a parade and see some better fireworks and maybe even have normal weather. Would you believe the high for the 4th was something like 69 degrees. Brrr...


Kacey said...

I haven't checked you blog in a while, it was fun to catch up. I can't believe how old Josie is looking. Call me and your kids can come play at the lake. It is supposed to be hot this week (finally!)

Melissa B. said...

Happy 4th! We went to ML, trying to find better weather. Your door looks great! I have been wanting to do the Hiawatha trail. Looks like fun.

Mindy Blake said...

Sounds like a fun fourth! I have to say I am jealous of your friends, I really missed you this year. Seems like this is when we are usually getting to see you! Hope you are feeling well!