Thursday, March 3, 2011

Another Snow day!

The kids walking back from the neighbors
Josie pulling the sled-notice the snow pants and coat!
Digging for the lost sled

Last Thursday we had another snow day! We got about a foot of snow overnight so the roads were a mess the next morning. Of course this is Spokane snow removal we are talking about so even if we got 3 inches the roads would still be a mess. Spokane has no concept of snow removal. Unfortunately the kids didn't spend all that much time out enjoying the snow because it was bitterly cold. We are talking 3 degrees and -14 at night. The only good thing that came out of the bone chilling cold is that I refused to let Josie out in a sweatshirt and sweatpants so she cried and cried and finally put on the coat and snow pants. Low and behold she survived and even enjoyed herself. This is the first time this year she has put on a coat. Honestly...I sometimes want to throw her out the door naked. Please tell me this will pass. Conor surprised me and offered to take Josie over to play with him and the neighbor kids. Josie was in heaven, he pushed her to and from on the sled.


Anonymous said...

Way to stand your ground! She is so lucky to have you for a mama!!

Rachael said...

Yeah - those roads do look pretty bad. I hate driving on scary roads.