Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The rice cereal battle

As you can see Lincoln is very wary of the incoming spoon
Of course there is more on his face then in his mouth. Each bite that goes down has been in and out of his mouth at least 3 times.
Me, pretending that force feeding cereal is so much fun
It is time to start rice cereal at out house. Yuck. Yuck for me and probably yuck for Lincoln. Honestly Lincoln hasn't been all that excited about it. He still has that tongue thrust going on and he is AWFUL at holding still. He is looking anywhere but at the incoming food. So fun, in the ear, eyes chin etc...I am only torturing us with this once a day, and it is hit or miss, literally. Maybe we will try something more tasty next to see if it will keep his attention. Oh why oh why can't they stay little??? Well, at least he doesn't stomp off to school shoeless-Conor of course will take care of that for him.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I have to try this next week with the pirate. Definitely pros and cons about moving to real food. Love the first photo of him looking so unsure about the spoon :)