Thursday, March 3, 2011

A visit from Grandma Nielsen

Grandma and Lincoln
Conor, Grandma, Lincoln and Josie
Josie dressing up Grandma, with the beads and crown
and sunglasses. The Cinderella dress just wouldn't fit.

Grandma Nielsen came to visit! She got on a plane and came out to see us all by herself, we were so lucky! She wanted to spend time with the kids so that is what we did. We had a very low key relaxed weekend and it was so fun to just enjoy her company.


Mindy Blake said...

I love your family! Can I just say that I miss you dearly! I wish I could hop a plane and come day!

Beeks by the Lake said...

Your Grandma Nielsen looks amazing in that crown and those sunglasses! She's darling. You are lucky!