Saturday, June 18, 2011

Olympic Triathlon

I did it! I did it! I did it! I can officially say that I have completed an Olympic distance triathlon. We got up at 4:00 am June 11th to drive out to Moses Lake so I could willingly swim 1 mile, bike 25 miles and run 6.2 miles as fast as I could. It went great! My finishing time was 2 hrs. and 39 minutes. Break down: Swim 26 minutes, Bike 1hr. 14 min, and Run 54 minutes. I would certainly do some things differently next time, but overall I was really happy with my time and execution. I actually finished 4th in my age group, so you won't hear any complaining from me. Beware...lots of pictures.
Conor with me in the transition area-I had a great spot up against the fence
Getting ready for the swim and showing off the pink race cap.
My swim buddies-Me, Wendy and Valerie
Waiting to hear the word GO!
Coming in to transition off my bike ride
Just a few strides away from the finish line
My cheering squad with me at the finish line
Crossing the line!!!
I am not gonna lie, I was very glad to finish. My time is 10 minutes less then you can see because the women start 10 minutes after the men.
My training group!
Back row: Mark, Val, Ivan, Wendy, Kathleen
Front row: Me, Dan and Chuck. (Denise-not pictured)


Rachael said...

Julie - that is so awesome! Lots of congratulations your way. And that is a fabulous swimming time - I'm super impressed. Hope you got a good foot rub later with lots of helpful children bringing you food while you rested. :)

Beeks by the Lake said...

You are amazing! I wish I had half your energy. Good going girl. Keep up the good work!

Melissa B. said...

Way to Go !!! Did you know my family is all from Moses Lake?? I just ran my first 1/2 marathon, so exciting!

thejohnmfamily said...

You are so amazing and motivated. Keep it up!

Darren and Stephanie said...

Congrats Julie!