Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kid Moments

Both Conor and Josie did something today that made me laugh and of course I want to remember. Conor and I have been working on what sound each letter makes. Unbeknownst to me Josie is also working on this. We were working on the letter K, and I asked Conor to tell me the sound that belongs to K and Josie pipes up with a perfect KKK sound. I find this especially funny because this is coming from a 1 year old who refuses to speak. Maybe she will learn to spell before she acutally forms a complete word. I guess she needs to spell if she is going to be typing. (earlier post)

I think Conor is a pretty brave kid, but he has a tender spot for scary Halloween stuff. He wants to like it so much, and always begs to go down the Halloween aisles at stores, but is quick to run the other way if something makes him jumpy. For the last few days I have been hearing about a witch that is sitting by the door at his friend Caleb's house. He has asked me to walk over to their house to help him get past the witch. I have said it is pretend and to be brave and get over it (nice mom I know). Today I found out that he had knocked on another neighbors door to see if their older boy would go over to Caleb's and knock on the door with him. So, I had to go over and see what all the fuss is about. You would expect something awful...but no. It is basically a picture of a witch that is m0vement sensitive, so when you walk by it cackles and then will open her eyes and stick out her tongue. It is maybe 8x10 and it isn't even eye level, it is just sitting propped up against the wall. Conor won't even go up on the front porch until someone opens the door, then he bolts past inside. Hmmm...I am assuming it just startled him one time pretty bad and he just can't get over it.


Emily Hansen said...

Cute stories. Josie's doing awesome if she can say the K sound. Hayden still uses the T sound for K. The witch story will be a fun one for Conner to laugh about someday when he grows out of that stage. Kyler has always come accross as a tough kid, but he used to have a lot of fears too, especially about movies. He's starting to out grow them. Give Conner a year or so. (P.S. I made the collages in Photoshop.)

Abbie said...

That's so funny. Hopefully our boys will grow out of this. Ben does the exact same thing. He wants to go look at the Halloween stuff, but then gets freaked out. At Target they have this candy bowl with a hand and when you reach in the bowl the hand grabs yours. Ben will NOT put his hand in. Even if I hold it and show him it's not real. It's a hoot.