Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1st day of school 2010

Believe it or not, we just barely started school yesterday. We had a great summer. The air is turning cool and the nights are getting shorter so I guess it is time to lay aside the carefree days of summer and head back to the classroom. Conor has Mrs. Comstock this year and says he likes her just as much as his last teacher, which is saying a lot. I met with Mrs. Comstock early last week and she seems ultra organized and very capable of taking care of Conor and his diabetes. He has his two best friends in his class and he couldn't ask for anything more. Josie and I have managed fine with out him so far. A little quiet around here, along with less interruptions and popcicle requests has been a welcome change. I have actually had time to catch up on the blog.So excited to get going!
Keagan, Kincade and Conor (would you believe these guys are twins?) They were all losing sleep worrying about being int he same class.
School supplies loaded in the desk and crayons in hand-let the year begin.


thejohnmfamily said...

Aren't you glad that school started? My kids were so excited, and it's nice to be back in a routine.

Tallie Geddes said...

Conor is so grown up - gone is the little boy who stood outside my door and screamed my name until I answered the door - I miss him! You and Kevin are world travlers - jealous - how fun!

Beeks by the Lake said...

He's such a cutie and so grown up - don't tell him I said Cute - I mean Handsome. Have fun with school this year!

Beeks by the Lake said...

You are FUNNY! Energy. I wish. I spend a lot of time trying to sneak a nap in here and there. I sleep in all summer and then when school starts every Saturday. i think about sleep all day. But I am grateful for what I do get done. It just comes in spurts. Not every day is that way. promise!

Mindy Blake said...

It is so weird that you guys start so late! Conor is such a cute kid!