Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lake Powell Trip

We made our annual trek to Lake Powell on August 23. I had my doubts about going since I was very pregnant, but Lake Powell never disappoints. How can you not have fun? I was sad to miss out on some beautifully smooth water, but I kept telling myself there is always next year. Josie and Conor were such fish. They swam and swam and swam and jumped in and jumped in and jumped in, Conor rode on the Sea Doos as much as he wanted-while Josie kept her distance. They played in the sand and Conor rode the tube and even tried his hand at skiing. There was never a complaint of boredom or sadness, fun was had by all.
Grandpa wasn't feeling well, so Kevin was given the opportunity to drive the Motor home-he did great!
Conor and Josie co-piloting and watching for the Lake to come into exciting!
Sand play with Grandma
See those little swimmers down there? Both Conor and Josie swam between the rock and the back of the boat countless times daily. We found a perfect place to camp
Josie the brave jumper-no fear
Mom and Josie enjoying the scenery on the way to Moki. There is nothing better then relaxing on the boat at Lake Powell.
Josie cliff jumping
Swimming off the back of the boat-look at those happy faces
Typical view of Conor-he actually got pretty good at back diving as well
Grandma and Josie taking a swim-this year Kevin doused Grandma's hair, it was pretty exciting. She is still talking to him, fortunately.
Kevin tossing Josie way way out. She landed with a good splash, but was a very good sport. She even went down the slide once with Kevin...only once.
Going down the slide every way he could think of...he really liked on his knees. I think it looks scary on your knees.
Play time with Daddy-can't be beat.
Josie cleaned this window 95 times. It was a great sitter while we were trying to get on our way home. Good thing we had lots of paper towels and windex, what a great helper.
Back to Grandma's to see the cousins. Amber is due 3 weeks before me. We are both having boys. I wish we lived closer so they could play together.
Can't go to Utah with out a trip to Brick oven. Most of the grand kids who live there were able to make it-we were lucky to see Austin, Katy and Allison since BYU was starting.
AUSTIN! We got to see Austin fresh off his mission. We have had so much fun writing him, so it was good to see him and for the kids to realize he is back and on to the rest of his life. He looks great!


The Witt Family said...

aaahhhh!!! I totally should have been at Lake Powell with you guys - the pic of you and Amber is super cute! Looks like a fun summer and now time for ... BABY!!!

Kacey said...

Lake Powell is so gorgeous. Too bad the skiing isn't better, I might convince Garth to go.

Beeks by the Lake said...

Your photos of Lake Powell are so fun! I've only been once. I think I need to go back.

Rachael said...

Your mom is totally amazing getting in the water and playing so much with the kids. I don't think I could ever convince mine to do that :)

You look beautiful! When are you due again?? We're expecting the week of Thanksgiving. Cannot wait to see pictures of your new little one. Only a few more months to go...