Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Kellogg Reunion

We had a little glitch in our summer scheduling this year. Melissa and David planned their wedding the exact same weekend as the Kellogg reunion. We were so bummed because we all really wanted to be at both events. We decided to split up and Kevin took the kids to the reunion and I stayed in Utah for the wedding. Here are the pictures of the Kellogg reunion. I don't have much narration since I wasn't there, but I heard that everyone had a blast. The great thing about getting together with the Kellogg cousins is that each one of my kids has a cousin almost exactly their age. We wish we could see them more, but I guess that is what summer and reunions are for. They rented a nice big house up in the McCall/Cascade Idaho region and spent the weekend playing in the lake and river rafting. I heard the adults had a great time on some class 4 rapids. Wish I could have been there!
The entire Kellogg family-this picture is a miracle! I have never seen them all together for a pictureKevin, Nicole, Sean, Darren, Ryan, Kristi, and Danielle-all the siblingsConor, Ezra and Addie,
Emerson, Cassidy, Bailey, Ava, Lincoln and Josie
all the Kellogg cousins

Conor and Addie
Ezra and JosieAva and Lincoln
Cousin fun!!!!

Darren tossing Conor out in the lake
A little rock hoping
Kevin, Josie and Conor in the kayak
Conor and JosieRyan and Kevin river rafting

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