Saturday, September 17, 2011

Josie starts Preschool

Josie in front of preschool on the 1st day! So excited.

Josie and Taj
Josie with her favorite cupcake toy

Josie, Taj and Bree

Josie started Preschool at Wandermere Christian preschool on September 12th. She was lucky enough to be able to go with her best buddy Taj and cute friend Bree. Thanks to Amina for taking such awesome pictures for me and for getting Josie there. I was not able to take Josie on her 1st day and believe me I was a lot more disappointed then she was. Thankfully Amina has been able to take her. Thank you! Josie thinks preschool is fabulous and wishes she could go every day instead of just MWF.