Wednesday, October 19, 2011

G&G Visit

Grandma and Grandpa Nielsen were taking a trip up the Oregon coast and ended up at our house! We were so happy to see them. They came just in time because I still wasn't driving, the house was a mess and everyone was a little stir crazy. They drove me to the Dr. and did some grocery shopping and cleaned my house and played with the kids and really helped out. We even had an early birthday celebration for Lincoln and Grandma. Grandpa decided Conor needed a new remote control airplane because we kept repairing the one he had. Hours of fun were had with the new one. More Lincoln birthday pictures to come.

Shucking corn with Grandpa
Chill time with Grandma-a rare moment that Grandma wasn't working hard for us

The new and improved remote control airplane

Grandma, me and the dreaded knee brace
Grandparents and the kids before church

The Birthday celebration for all! Everyone wanted a chance to blow out the candle on the cupcake except for Lincoln! The only legitimate blower.

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