Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend

We spent Thanksgiving this year with Grandma and Grandpa Kellogg. We decided to make it a one day round trip affair, so we spent a good 4 hours in the car but it really is easier then hauling all our stuff to spend the night. We had a small gathering, but it was nice to spend time with them and eat our delicious thanksgiving feast. We had a long weekend to prepare for the crazy month of December. Kevin and Conor went skiing and the rest of us started hauling out the Christmas decorations.
Conor and Josie decorating the tree

Conor and Lincoln "rocking" on the rocking horse. Conor scoots Lincoln around on the horse between the upstairs bedrooms. It can be a wild ride but Lincoln loves it and laughs and laughs. He has learned to hang on.
This is what Kevin wishes he could do all weekend. He loves college football. He records the games so he can fast forward through all the junk. He spent a good chunk of his day trying to figure out why one of the strands on our prelit tree wasn't working. He finally ended up pulling it off and restringing it. Thank you Kevin. The rest of his day was spent at the temple with his Young Men.

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