Monday, August 13, 2012

Camp Stix

The day after we got back from Colorado we sent Conor off to diabetes camp. What a great experience! Conor had been looking forward to going for months, and with a load of laundry and some repacking we were headed up to the River view bible facility to drop Conor off for an entire week of fun.  Upon arrival we met with Conor's medical team and this was when Conor started getting a bit nervous.  His medical team was fabulous by the way.  Pretty amazing that they can take care of 250 kids with a serious health issue and keep them all healthy and happy and better off when they come home.  The first thing Conor said when we picked him up was how great the food was.  He got to tour the medstar helicopter and meet Charlie Kimball a famous race car driver who has diabetes.  He did a lot of swimming and had paintball wars and campfires, and crafts and a lot of other campy fun stuff.  He is very excited to go back next year.  It was a great break for everyone, Conor was glad to get some independence and it is always interesting to pull a child out of the family mix.  Another perk was that it is a nice break for Mom and Dad from 24/7 diabetes care.  Thank you Camp Stix!
Conor and his friend Landon in front of their cabin

This is Conor's team that he hung out with the whole week.  He really liked Landon and spent most of his time with him

Conor in front of his bed.  He is looking a bit sad here because he is.  He was crying when we left him.  He was just nervous about the unknown and the counselor wasn't a ton of help at this point, but I heard he snapped out of his sadness pretty quick and really enjoyed himself. 

This is Josie crying because she missed Conor.  She talked about him all week and was sad he wasn't around to torture her.

1 comment:

The Sullengers said...

How cool to have a camp for diabetes! Genius! I seriousl can't read your blog anymore cause you guys are always vacationing which leaves me very jealous, coveting, and envious. Not feelings I like to have :)