Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jaunt to Grand Coulee

We had a weekend of camping planned with our friends when work got in the way for them so they had to bail on us.  We decided at the last minute to head down to Grand Coulee instead and camp there so we could see the laser show and do a dam tour.  Conor had learned all about the dam in 3rd grade so he was eager to check it out.  We weren't able to reserve a site because it was last minute-but we took our chances and headed down hoping to find something.  We found something that was a little less then ideal, but at least we had a place to camp.  We had a patch of grass squashed between other campers with a steep price tag, but oh well.  One of those fun impromptu trips that we will always remember.
Eating tang and muffins for breakfast

Lincoln making silly faces with Daddy

My cute campers

Down inside of the dam-looking at the turbines I think

On top of the dam-we learned a lot of interesting facts about the Columbia river and the energy produced by the Great Grand Coulee Dam

Oh look there I am-I was on this trip.  The laser show is shown right on the dam behind us.  It is pretty cool considering it is something like 20 years old. 

After visiting the dam we headed off to enjoy Lake Roosevelt-one of the happy results created by the dam.  We found this really great public park where we spent hours playing in the sand and water. 

Lincoln munching on his favorite yummy chocolate chip cookies

The kids jumping off the dock -they finally talked both Kevin and me into getting in the chilly water

Lincoln lost in a sand hole.  I am pretty sure he is playing with a truck you just can't see it. 

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